Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

22 Little Piano Pieces


Original / Hungarian title
22 kis zongoradarab
Foreign language / English title
22 Little Piano Pieces
Year of composition

Instrumental solo
Number of players
Movements, parts
1. Dallam / Melody
2. Kövér és sovány / Fat and Thin
3. Trombitadal / Trumpet melody
4. Fanfár / Fanfare
5. Walzer I. / Waltz I
6. Hinta / Swing
7. Walzer II. / Waltz II
8. Rezonancia variációkkal / Resonance with variations
9. Napsütés / Sunshine
10. Esőcsepek / Raindrops
11. Citera / Zither
12. Harangjáték / Chime of bells
13. Pásztortánc / Shepred´s dance
14. Walzer III. / Waltz III
15. Szöcske / Grasshopper
16. Labdajáték / Ball-game
17. A malom / The mill
18. Ritmusjáték (3+2) / Rhythm playing (3+2)
19. Ritmusjáték (2+3) / Rhythm playing (2+3)
20. Dal / Song
21. Napzene / Music tu the sun
22. Trombitakeringő / Waltz for trumpet

Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest 1998, Z. 13216
Available here!
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1983 - 1985