Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Variations and Improvisations for an Old Hungarian Melody


Original / Hungarian title
Variációk és improvizációk egy régi magyar dallamra
Foreign language / English title
Variations and Improvisations for an Old Hungarian Melody
For big band
Year of composition

Wind orchestra
Number of players
sax.a. 1 (anche fl.), sax.a. 2 (anche fl.), sax.t. 1, sax.t. 2, - tr. 1, tr. 2, tr. 3, tr. 4, trb. 1, trb. 2, trb. 3, trb. 4 - pf. - cb. - perc. (drum set)
Movements, parts
1. Téma / Theme
2. Variáció I. / Variation I.
3. Variáció II. / Variation II.
4. Variáció III. / Variation III.

Premiere information
5 May 2010, ISCM World New Music Days, Sydney; Big Band of the Sydney Conservatory, Bill Motzing (cond.)
Publisher / Source