Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

3 Ungarische Idyllen, Op. 134 / 3 Hungarian Idylls, Op. 134


Original / Hungarian title
3 Ungarische Idyllen, Op. 134 / 3 magyar jelenet, Op. 134
Foreign language / English title
3 Ungarische Idyllen, Op. 134 / 3 Hungarian Idylls, Op. 134
For violin and piano
Chamber Music
Number of players
vl., pf.
Movements, parts
1. Alföldi bucsúhangok / Abschied von Nieder-Ungarn
2. Puszták fia / Der Sohn der Haide
3. Honvágy / Heimaths-Sehnen

Publisher / Source
Wien: Anton Goll, n.d.[1918]. Plate A. 709 G.
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