Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Bifoglia (di Corniolo)


Original / Hungarian title
Bifoglia (di Corniolo)
Foreign language / English title
Bifoglia (di Corniolo)
Year of composition

Symphony orchestra
3 fl. (III anche picc.), 3 ob. (III anche, 3 cl. (III anche cl.b.), 3 fg. (III anche cfg.) - 4 cor., 3 tr., 2 trb., trb.b., tuba - timp., perc. (tmb.picc., gr.c., tam-tam, ptti., trg.) - 2 arpa - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
Premiere information
26 September 2015, Concert on the 70th Anniversary of the Death of Béla Bartók, MÜPA - Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, Budapest; MR Symphony Orchestra, János Kovács (cond.)
Publisher / Source