Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Transcription - Unknown Composers: Melodies for Voice and Piano


Original / Hungarian title
Átirat - Ismeretlen szerzők: Dallamok énekhangra zongorakísérettel
Foreign language / English title
Transcription - Unknown Composers: Melodies for Voice and Piano
Year of composition

Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s)
Number of players
voice, pf.
Movements, parts
1. Magyarország fényes csillag / Hungary´s a Brigth Star
2. Hogy álmom édesebb legyen / So my dream becomes sweeter
3. Nem vagy te szép azt mondom én / I tell you: you are not beautiful
4. Tiszán innen, Tiszán túl / At the Tisza, beyond the Tisza

Publisher / Source
Zenészeti Lapok (Musical Journals), Pest 1862 - 1863
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1862 - 1863