Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Bicinia No. 4


Original / Hungarian title
Bicíniumok IV.
Foreign language / English title
Bicinia No. 4
French Folk Songs from France, Belgium and Canada; English, Scottish, Danish, Norvegian and Swedish Folk songs
Year of composition

Choir and solo instrument(s)
children´s coir (S-A) - perc. (tmb., trg.)
Movements, parts
1. Pireneusok / Pyrenees
2. Kecske-mecske / Goat<-foat
3. Altató / Lullaby
4. Topogós / Stamping
5. Tipegős / Stepping
6. Fecskemadár / Swallow bird
7. Faridondon
8. Május / May
9. Kis Mari / Little Mary
10. Rózsaszál / Rose
11. Csalogány / Nightingale
12. A három dáma / The thre dames
13. A szép kicsike Pernett / Beautiful, little Pernett
14. Katonafiú / Soldierboy
15. Greensleeves
16. Szőke leány - barna lány / Blond girl - brown girl
17. Ó Shenando / Oh Shenando
18. Bújdosó ballada / Hiding ballad
19. Kertünkben / In our garden
20. A víg kanász / The happy swineherd
21. Rózsaszál / Rose
22. Viharos az este / Stromy evening
23. Búsongó dal / Melancholy song
24. Szánalmas sziget / Pitiable island
25. Szegény fiú / Poor boy
26. Este / Evening

Folk song(s)
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest 1980, Z. 12372
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Remarks, other info
Hungarian translation by László Lukin