Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Antique Songs - For Three Mixed Choir


Original / Hungarian title
Antik énekek - Háromszólamú vegyeskarra
Foreign language / English title
Antique Songs - For Three Mixed Choir
Year of composition

Mixed choir
mixed choir (3 part)
Movements, parts
1. Önmagához / To himself
2. Bordal / Winesong
3. Két sapphoi dal / Two songs of sappho:
(Elsüllyedt már a hold is / The moon sunk as well)
(Édesanyám nem perdül a rokka / Mother the spinning wheel stopped)
4. Róma, te csillag / Rome, a star
5. Kismadár / Little bird
6. Köszöntő / Greeting
7. Faunushoz / To Faunas 8.

Publisher / Source
Nationakl Propaganda Institute 1973, 22202
Remarks, other info
Based on texts by Anakreon, Sapphoi, Catullus, Numatianus and Horatius

Hungarian translations by Gábor Devecseri, Károly Horváth I., Miklós Radnóti and Imre Tercsényi Waldapfel