Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Muntele - Simfonice Poem / The Mountain - Symphonic Poem


Original / Hungarian title
A hegy - szimfonkius költemény
Foreign language / English title
Muntele - Simfonice Poem / The Mountain - Symphonic Poem
Year of composition

Symphony orchestra
picc., 2 fl., ob.,, 2 cl., cl.b., 2 fg., cfg. - 4 cor., 4 tr., 3 trb., tuba - cemb. (or chit.) - timp., perc. (xil., campli., camp., tam-tam, 2 ptti., tmb.picc.c.c., tmb.picc.c.s., gr.c., tom-tom, maracas) - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
Movements, parts
1. Körvonalak a ködben / Masiv conturat in Neguri / Contours in the Mist
2. Mélységiszony / Chemarea Abisului / Fear of Heights
3. A csúcs vonzása / Obsesia Piscului / The Attraction of the Peak
4. Nosztalgia / Nostalgia Ináltimilor / Nostalgia

Premiere information
21 June 1979, Marosvásárhely, Romania; Marosvásárhely Philharmonia, Cristian Mandeal (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Editura Muzicala, Bucharest 1983
Hungarian Radio Sound Archives, Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Anrás Ligeti (cond.)
1 min. sample
1 Mountain