Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Thirteen Unaccompained Choral Works


Original / Hungarian title
Tizenhárom a capella kórusmű
Foreign language / English title
Thirteen Unaccompained Choral Works
Year of composition

Choir a cappella
Movements, parts
1. Európa / Europe
2. Legenda / Legend
3. Laokoon
4. De profundis
5. Te ki erre jársz / You Who Cometh Here
6. A hosszú éj / Long night
7. Petit chanson spirituelle
8. A madár és a lepke / The Bird and the Butterfly
9. Ha volna olyan föld / If only there were such a land
10. Népballada-foszlány / Folk Ballad Fragment
11. Hajnali kertben / The Garden at Dawn
12. Variációk egy elképzelt népdalra / Variations on an Imaginary Folk Song
13. Kígyózó / Meandering

ÁPRILY, Lajos - anonymous 13th century poet - FODOR, Ákos - Indian folk texts - WEÖRES, Sándor
Publisher / Source
Remarks, other info
Hungarian translation of the Navatl Indian Folk Poems from Central America: "The Bird and the Butterfly" and "If only there were such a land" by Éva Dobos