Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Der Waldkönig


Original / Hungarian title
Der Waldkönig
Foreign language / English title
Der Waldkönig
Year of composition

Music for the theater
cond. / actor - sax.a., sax.t., fg. - cor. - arpa - 5.1 electronics, turntables - vla.
60 min

Premiere information
20 November 2006, Festival Temp d`Images, Flórián Workshop, Trafó - House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest; Bizják Gábor (cor.), Zsófia Mészáros (sax.), Wei-ya Lin (vla.), Matthias Ermert (turntables), Konstantin Iljevskij (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Remarks, other info
Film-theater music performed live, the drama of the movie "Der Waldkönig" follows the music

Film based on the works of Slobodan Tisma