Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Vox Lucis, Op. 56


Original / Hungarian title
Vox Lucis, Op. 56
Foreign language / English title
Vox Lucis, Op. 56
Cantata for bariton, oboe solo and orchestra
Year of composition

Solo voice(s) with solo instr. and orch.
Bar. - ob. solo - 2 fl. (II anche picc.), fl.a., 2 cl., cl.b., 2 fg. - 2 cor., tuba - arpa - cel. - timp., perc. (2 esec. - campli, camp., vibr.) - strings ( at least: 12 vl. 1, 10 vl. 2, 8 vla., 8 vlc., 5 cb.
32 min

Movements, parts
1. Introduzione
2. The Soul of Man (T. S. Eliot)
3. Mon Dieu, vous m´avez donné ce pouvoir (P. Claudel)
4. Poju, kogda gortan ssyra, duscha ssucha (O. Mandelstham)
5. Il suffit qu´une petite âme ait la simplicité (P. Claudel)
6. An die Musik (R. M. Rilke)
7. La main de dieu (P. Claudel)
8. The Lord who created -
9. Now you should see the temple completed (T. S. Eliot)
10. Finale: Light - Mattina (G. Ungaretti) - A felsö fény (S. Weöres) - Light (T. S. Eliot)

ELIOT, Thomas Stearns; CLAUDEL, Paul; MANDELSHTAM, Osip ; RILKE, Rainer Maria; UNGARETTI, Giuseppe - WEÖRES, Sándor
Commissioned by
Musikverein für Steiermark for its 175th anniversary
Premiere information
5 November 1989, Stephaniensaal Graz, Austria; John Shirley-Quirk (Bar.), Sara Watkins (ob.), Graz Philharmonic Orchestra, Niksa Bareza (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Doblinger - Musikhaus und Verlag (On rental)
Available here!
Österreichische Musik der Gegenwart Nr. 50 CD 830 004-2, 1995 - John Shirley-Quirk (Bar.), Sara Watkins (ob.), ORF Symphony Orchestra, Steuart Bedford (cond.)
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1988 - 1989