Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Reconstruction / beFORe JOHN 6


Original / Hungarian title
Reconstruction / beFORe JOHN 6
Foreign language / English title
Reconstruction / beFORe JOHN 6

player 1: ceramic bird whistle, Chinese tom-tom (large), 2 muted Chinese gongs (medium), coconutshellphone, large coconutshell, tmb.b., Japanese wooden raganella, tile, piece of wood, 3 boo-bams, 2 congas, ocean-drum

player 2: ceramic bird whistle, 2 expander springs music bow, 2 burma gong (F, G), 1 pair of stones, 2 wind gong, 2 Chinese gong (small), 2 Chinese gong (large), coinpot, 2 carpets (extra large, small), rainmaker, 2 chicken shake, oil barrel (hanged), oil barrel roar (hanged), water gong (Chinese, medium), bamboojars or wooden pot, 3 pieces of wood or shatiks. Ricardo-conga or Indian drum, glissandogong-set (11 graduated Chinese glissandogongs) tmb.b. roar, small Burma gong (h), small pan

player 3: ceramic bird whistle, cimb., 1 pair of stones, large Polynesian wood, talking drum, coinpot & moneysack, small coconutshell, darabuka ceramic, grande broom, water gong, glissandogong-set, beercan-set, (25 graduated beercans; 5 L size) 4 muted Burma gong s (if possible E, Fis, Ais, C) metal tubes & small Japanese bronzebells (outside the stage) 6 tuned pieces of wood

player 4: ceramic bird whistle, tam-tam (large), large Polynesian wood, large & small coconutshell, Polynesian wood (medium), Polynesian drum (medium), talking drum (large), coinpot & moneysack, Japanese flute, duck call, 5 tuned pieces of wood
Publisher / Source
Music Publications Hungary