Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Lavotta Suite


Original / Hungarian title
Lavotta szvit
Foreign language / English title
Lavotta Suite
For chamber orchestra
Year of composition

Chamber orchestra
2 fl. (II anche picc.), ob., 2 cl., fg. - 2 cor., tr. - strings
16 min

Movements, parts
1. Verbunkos / Ungarisch
2. Menüett / Menuet
3. Indulás Pannónia felé / Marsch nach Pannonien
4. Verbunkos / Ungarisch
5. Rondó / Im Wirtshaus

Publisher / Source
Sikorski (score & performance material)
Available here!
Preludio CD 1995, PRCD 9506 - János Dombovári (vl.), Erzsébet Á. Király (vl.), Róbert Radnai (vla.), Éva F. Sulyok (vlc.), Ildikó Sajgó (vl.), Krisztina H. Hotykai (cb.), Zemplén Chamber Orchestra, Pál Péter Gergely (cond.)
Toccata Classics CD, TOCC-0176, 2014 - Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Railways (MÁV), Péter Csaba (cond.)
Remarks, other info