Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Drei Lieder nach Gedichten aus dem 18. Jahrhundert - For Voice and Orchestra


Original / Hungarian title
Szerelmek madarai - Három dal 18. századbeli versekre - Énekhangra és zenekarra
Foreign language / English title
Drei Lieder nach Gedichten aus dem 18. Jahrhundert - For Voice and Orchestra
Solo voice(s) with orchestra
voice - 2 fl., ob., 2 cl., fg. - arpa - strings
7 min

Movements, parts
1. A tavaszhoz
2. Chloé Daphnishoz
3. Ámor

KAZINCZY, Ferenc; CSOKONAI, Vitéz Mihály
Publisher / Source
MS by András Farkas (score)
Available here!
Remarks, other info
Based on poems by Ferenc Kazinczy and Mihály Csokonai Vitéz

German translation by Imre Ormay

See also:
Szerelmek madarai - Három dal 18. századbeli versekre / Drei Lieder nach Gedichten aus dem 18. Jahrhundert