Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Cinque canzoni dei trovatori - For Voice and Piano


Original / Hungarian title
Cinque canzoni dei trovatori - Énekhangra és zongorára
Foreign language / English title
Cinque canzoni dei trovatori - For Voice and Piano
Year of composition

Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s)
Number of players
voice, pf.
8 min

Movements, parts
1. Volez vos que je vos chant / Zengek néked íme halld
2. Bella Doette / Ó szépséges húgom
3. Quand li rossignols s´écrie / Fényuszállyal száll a hajnal
4. A pris ai qu´en chantant plour / Boldog vagyok míg könnyem
5. Fort m´ennuie, si j´ose dire / Jaj de sanyarú tűrni nekem

Hungarian / French
Publisher / Source
MS by András Farkas
Available here!
Le Carrozze CD 2002 - Donatella Debolini (S.), Duccio Bianchi (chit.) (Version for guitar)
Remarks, other info
Hungarian translation by Sándor Weöres

See also:
Cinque canzoni dei trovatori