Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Musica ficta


Original / Hungarian title
Musica ficta
Foreign language / English title
Musica ficta
Sixteen pieces for or two guitars
Year of composition

Chamber Music
Number of players
2 chit.
25 min

Movements, parts
1. Ballata / Ballata
2. Beatrice leveti fátyolát / Beatrice sheds her veil
3. Virágok a Holdban / Flowers in the Moon
4. Az emlékezés itala / The drink of remembrance
5. Johann Christoph álma / Johann Cristoph´s dream
6. Út a sivatagban / Desert road
7. Monk kutya énekel / Dog Monk sings
8. A Pireneusok vára / The castle of the Pyrenées
9. Sírfelirat / Epitaph
10. Régi feljegyzés / An old note
11. Egy pók vágyálmai / A spider´s daydreams
12. Erdei cseremisz dal / Forest-Cheremis song
13. Találkozás Pierre Oberow-val / Meeting Pierrot
14. Naptávol / Aphelion
15. Jeruzsálem hívójele / Jerusalem calling
16. Sétálni egy város utcáin / Walking the streets of a town

Premiere information
1987, Esztergom Guitar Festival, Hungary; Annamária Kertész, József Papp (chit.)
Publisher / Source
Universal Edition, Vienna © 1995
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Hessischer Rundfunk, 1990 - Annamária Kertész, József Papp - guitar