Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Children’s and Female Choruses, BB 111


Original / Hungarian title
Gyermek- és nőikarok, BB 111
Foreign language / English title
Children’s and Female Choruses, BB 111
Year of composition

Choir a cappella
children´s choir (volume I-VI.), female choir (volume VII-VIII.)
45 min

Movements, parts
I. Füzet / Volume 1
1. Tavasz / Spring
2. Ne hagyj itt! / Only tell me
3. Jószágigéző / Enchating song

II. Füzet / Volume 2
1. Levél az otthoniakhoz / To my homeland
2. Játék / Candle song
3. Leánynéző / Choosing of a girl
4. Héjja, héjja, karahéjja / Thieving bird

III. Füzet / Volume 3
1. Ne menj el / Don´t leave me
2. Van egy gyűrűm, karika / The fickle girl
3. Senkim a világon / Song of loneliness
4. Cipósütés / Breadbaking

IV. Füzet / Volume 4
1. Huszárnóta / Hussar
2. Resteknek nótája / Loafer
3. Senkim a világon / Song of loneliness
4. Leánycsúfoló / Mocking of girls

V. Füzet / Volume 5
1. Legénycsúfoló / Mocking of youth
2. Mihálynapi köszöntő / Michaelmas greeting
3. Leánykérő / The wooing of a girl

VI. Füzet / Volume 6
1. Keserves / Lament
2. Madárdal / Song of the bird
3. Csujogató / Stamping feet

VII. Füzet / Volume 7
1. Bánat / The sorrow of love
2. Ne láttalak volna / Had I never seen you
3. Elment a madárka / The song-bird´s promise

VIII. Füzet / Volume 8
1. Párnás táncdal / Pillow dance
2. Kánon / Canon
3. Isten veled! / Lover´s farewell

Folk song(s)
Hungarian / English
Premiere information
18 April 1937, Kecskemét, Hungary; Girls’ Choir of the Kecskemét 1st district elementary school, Girls’ Choir of the Kecskemét vocational school, Girls’ Choir of the Roman Catholic elementary school of Kiskunfélegyháza, Chorus of the Károly Pásthy higher elementary school for girls of Kecskemét, Chorus of the Roman Catholic higher elementary school for girls of Kiskunfélegyháza, Children’s Choir of the János Arany Calvinist secondary school, chorus of the Ladies’ Congregation of Kiskunfélegyháza, Male, Female and Mixed choir of the Kecskemét Municipal Choir, Chorus of the Constantinum Roman Catholic school for young ladies of Kiskunfélegyháza, Mária Salamon, Lajos Nemesszeghy, Sarolta Seress, Margit Gedeon, Mária Teréz Zalay, Barna Márton, Zoltán Vásárhelyi (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Magyar Kórus © 1937, 3351-3377

EDitio Musica Budapest © 1953, Z. 1103
Available here!
Hungaroton HCD-31080, 1994 - Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay (cond.)
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1935 - 1936