Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

The Wooden Prince, Op. 13, BB 74


Original / Hungarian title
A fából faragott királyfi, Op. 13, BB 74
Foreign language / English title
The Wooden Prince, Op. 13, BB 74
Dance-play in one act
"Herrn Kapellmeister Egisto Tango in tiefer Dankbarkeit gewidmet"
Year of composition

Ballet / Choreographic work
4 fl. (III, IV anche picc.), 4 ob. (III, IV anche, 2 sax. (sax.a., sax., t. anche, 4 cl. (III anche cl.picc., IV anche cl.b.), 4 fg. (III, IV anche cfg.) - 4 cor., 4 tr., 2 crnt., 3 trb., tuba - timp., perc. (camp., xil., trg., cas., ptti., tmb.picc., gr.c., tam-tam) - cel., 2 arpa - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
42 min

Movements, parts
I. Függöny / Curtain
II. 1. A királykisasszony tánca az erdőben / Dance of the princess in the forest
III. A királyfi elindul / The prince starts on his way
IV. 2. Az erdő megmozdul - Küzdelemtánc / Dance of the trees - Struggle-dance
V. A királyfi fáradtságából fölocsúdva nekiszánja magát a továbbindulásnak / Restored from his lassitude the prince walks; 3. A hullámok tánca - A királyfinak ötlete támad / Dance of the waves - An idea enters his mind
VI. Várakozás / Anxious suspence
VII. 4. A királykisasszony tánca a bábbal / Dance of the princess with the wooden puppet
VIII. A királyfi végleg kétségbeesik / The prince behind in greatest despair, A tündér kilép az erdőből / The fairy steps out of the forest
IX. A tündér aranyhajat vesz elő / The fairy takes curly golden hair
X. 5. tánc. A királykisasszony táncra nógatja a fabábot / The princess in her endeavour to make him dance
XI. 6. A királykisasszony magát kellető tánccal hívogatja magához a királyfit / 6. Dance. The princess tries to persuade the prince to her side to dance with her
XII. 7. A királykisasszony ijedten a királyfi után akar menni / Quite alarmed the princess hurries forward him
XIII. A királyfi nem tágít, és magához öleli a királykisasszonyt. Hosszú csók / Yet the prince persists, and finally embraces her. Long kiss

Hungarian / German / English
Premiere information
12 May 1917, Hungarian Royal Opera House, Budapest; Symphony Orchestra of the Hungarian Royal Opera House, Egisto Tango (cond.), Béla Balázs (dir.)
Publisher / Source
Universal Edition © 1924, UE6638
Available here!
Philips CD 454429-2 - Budapest Festival Orchestra, Iván Fischer (cond.)
Hungaroton HCD-31048, 1994 - Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra, András Kórodi (cond.)
Remarks, other info
Composed: 1914 - 1917, revised: 1932

Based on the play by Béla Balázs

Transcription for piano: Universal Edition © 1921, 6635
Suite from the music of the ballet: Universal Edition



Title Publisher
Béla Bartók: The Wooden Prince; Dance Suite Philips
Bartók, Béla: The Wooden Prince; Dance Suite Hungaroton
Vox Box
SWR Classic
SWR Classic