Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Kossuth, BB 31


Original / Hungarian title
Kossuth, BB 31
Foreign language / English title
Kossuth, BB 31
Symphonic poem for orchestra
Year of composition

Symphony orchestra
4 fl. (I anche picc., IV = picc.), 4 ob. (IV anche, 4 cl. (II anche cl.picc., IV anche cl.b.), 4 fg. (IV anche cfg.) - 8 cor., 4 tr., tr.b., 3 trb., 2 flic.t., tuba - timp., perc. - 2 arpa - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
21 min

Movements, parts
1. (Kossuth)
2. (Mi bú nehezül lelkedre, édes férjem? / What Makes Your Heart So Heavy, My Dear Man?)
3. (Veszélyben a haza! / Our Homeland Is in Danger!)
4. (Hajdan jobb időket éltünk... / In Days of Old We Lived Better Times)
5. (Majd rosszra fordult sorsunk... / Then Our Fortune Changed For the Worse)
6. (Harcra fel! / In Arms!)
7. (Jöjjetek, jöjjetek! szép magyar vitézek, szép magyar leventék! / Come on, Fair Hungarian Valiants!)
8. ...
9. (Mindennek vége! / All Is Lost!)
10. (Csöndes minden, csöndes... / Silent, All Is Silent

Premiere information
13 January 1904, Budapest; Budapest Philhamonic Orchestra, István Kerner (cond.)

18 February 1904, Manchester, England; János Richter (cond.)
Publisher / Source
Editio musica Budapest © 1963, Z. 4116 (Edited by Dille Denijs)
Available here!
Hungaroton HCD-41002; Hungaroton HCD-31179; Arion 68251; Intercord 830812; Carlton 00712; London 443773; Philips 456575; Eufoda 1296; Philips 464639
Remarks, other info
Also: Gyászinduló, zongorára / Marche funebre, for piano, 1903; Hungaroton HCD-31909



Title Publisher
Béla Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra; 3 Village Scenes; Kossuth Philips