Composition database

This is the Composition Database of BMC, which includes information about works by composers that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary.

Title of the work

Joyance - for Saint Julius Hydrophilos


Original / Hungarian title
Joyance - for Saint Julius Hydrophilos
Foreign language / English title
Joyance - for Saint Julius Hydrophilos
Year of composition

Chamber Music
Number of players
fl. / picc., arpa (with vl., vla., vlc.)
12 min

JOYCE, James
Premiere information
9 July 1999, Edenkoben, Herrenhaus, Sarah O´Brien, Dagmar Becker, Hans-Jörg Krämer, Lon Akahoshi, Tobias Werner
Publisher / Source
Editio Musica Budapest, Z 14433
Remarks, other info
Based on sentences from the last chapter of Finnegans Wake by James Joyce. The end of the piece can be performed separately, too (see: Fall of the Mozart-empire, The). The flutist and the harpist also recite words by Joyce.