Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Szécsi Lőrinc


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Title Type Year
Αργαιου γοροτ - Antique dances Chamber Music 2021
Των γηρατειών και του θανάτου / On old age and death Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2022
"Quasi" - suite per pianoforte Instrumental solo 2022
Akathist Hymn Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2022
Antique Songs Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2023
Antique Pictures Ensemble 2020
Dionysia Instrumental solo 0
To A Roadside Well Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2020
Fragmentorum aeternis Chamber Music 0
Hellenic Cantata Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2022
Ianus Chamber Music 2024
Prayer Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2020
Nomos for Viola Instrumental solo 0
Nomos for Flute Instrumental solo 0
Nómoi (Νόμοι) - Laws Chamber Music 2024
Quintetto Chamber Music 2021
Sappho-Fragment Solo voice(s) a cappella 2023
Suite for Orchestra Symphony orchestra 2021
Tre intermezzi Instrumental solo 2018
Triosonata - Hommage á Corelli Chamber Music 2019
Fragment Instrumental solo 2024
Un petit concert de salon Chamber Music 2021
only light and dust... Choir and chamber ensemble 2019