Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Buttykay Ákos


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Title Type Year
The Flying Greek Stage work 1905
The King of Cads Stage work 1907
The Bell Stage work 1907
The Silver Gull Stage work 1920
Berceuse Instrumental solo 0
Capriccio Chamber Music 0
Fantasy Symphony orchestra 1896
Violin Sonata (A Minor), Op. 10 Chamber Music 1901
Princess Olivia Stage work 1922
Scherzo (B Minor) Symphony orchestra 1898
Scherzo Op. 1b (E-flat Major) Instrumental solo 1895
Sonata appassionata, Op. 13 Instrumental solo 0
Valse-Caprice, Op. 1a Instrumental solo 0
Variations on a Hungarian Folk Song, Op. 14 Instrumental solo 0
Symphony in C-Sharp Minor Symphony orchestra 1900
Symphony in D Minor (Salammbô) Symphony orchestra 1905
Wowsers Symphony orchestra 1905