Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Szigeti Máté


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

1984 – born in Szeged, Hungary.

1997-2003 – studied early-music with László Lőrincz at Conservatory of Szeged. Private composition lessons with Kristóf Weber and Lajos Huszár.

2003-2008 – studied composition at Academy of Music, Budapest with László Vidovszky. Graduated in 2008.

2008-2012 – teacher at Zoltán Kodály Secondary School.

2009-2012 – teacher at the University of Debrecen and Vadaskert Elementary School, Budapest.

since 2012 – PhD candidate at the University of Southampton (under Michael Finnissy’s supervision).

As theorist he published essays on Anton Webern’s music and – together with Ádám Ignácz – about Alexander Scriabin’s Prometheus. The subject of his present research: Outer sources in Musical Compositions – An Historical Overview.

Major concerts:

2003 and 2004 – IKZE, Budapest

2004 – Budapesti Őszi Fesztivál, Budapest
Korunk Zenéje Fesztivál (Music of Our Ages Festival), Budapest

2005 – Tage für Neue Musik, Zürich
Portrait concert (together with Tamás Matkó and Ákos Zarándy), Budapest

2006 – Noel Lee’s masterclass, Villecroze
Orfeus Festival, Bratislava

2007 – Ostrava Days 2007, Ostrava

2008-10 – International Bartók Seminar and Festival, Szombathely

2010 – premiere of for Duo Harpverk, Reykjavík

2012 – Viđ Djúpiđ Festival, Ísafjörđur

2013 – premiere of Grande Sonate Brillante, Szeged

2014 – premiere of Nap. Futás, Brussels


2005 – MAOE (Association for Hungarian Artists) – Sponsorhip for Composers

2007 – Citi-scholarship (Citibank)

2009-2012: Kodály Zoltán Scholarship for Artists (three times), ARTISJUS Sponsorship for Composers (three times)

2012-2015: Vice Chancellors Award (University Bursary) from Humanities Faculty, University of Southampton
Title Type Year
„…infini sans quantité…” Chamber Music 2006
... ohne Worte Chamber Music 2011
...senza basso – sulla natura della rimembranza Instrumental solo 2013
...sondern die Nächte Chamber Music 2012
5 Sad Ayres from South of England Chamber Music 2020
A List of Orkney Islands in Alphabetical Order Chamber Music 2016
Bichos raros – 3 flutters for 2 voices Solo voice(s) a cappella 2023
Canciones excéntricas Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2018
Canto - For Soprano Voice and Organ Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2012
Chords · Instruments, Lines · Instruments Chamber Music 2007
Citations Instrumental solo 2007
Composition (1) - For Two Pianos Chamber Music 2005
Composition (2) - For Two or More Performers Chamber Music 2006
Dawn Chorus on Some of Bach´s Omitted Notes Chamber Music 2022
Der Engel sprach zu den Hirten Live electronic music 2007
Deutsche Lieder Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2008
Difficult Crossings String orchestra 2017
Drei Deutsche Lieder Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2013
Bagpipe-Music for László Vidovszky Chamber Music 2024
Dämmrung Chamber Music 2022
Elude Chamber Music 2016
Epilogue - For Tenor Voice and Piano Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2010
Exit (1) - For Violin and Two Vibraphones Chamber Music 2004
Exit (2) - For Violin and Two Percussion-Players Chamber Music 2005
Exit (3) - For Electronics Electroacoustic music 2005
Fall Instrumental solo 2011
Favourite Tunes Chamber Music 2024
Grande Sonate Brillante Chamber Music 2013
Colonial times - 19 small islands in West-Java Chamber Music 2018
Heat Chamber Music 2016
Hebridean’s Lament Instrumental solo 2015
Hebrides Chamber Music 2014
Her Absence will not Alter me – An Air upon a Ground Chamber Music 2022
Herculine Barbin Opera 2016
Highlanders’ Companion for Tuneful Life Events Other 2021
Waves Chamber Music 0
Three Melodies of Lament Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2004
Loyalty Hymn Solo voice(s) a cappella 2024
In the Lovers’ Orchard Chamber Music 2015
Inventions Chamber Music 2008
Kantate auf Wittgensteins Texte Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 2006
Eastern Lines Chamber Music 2019
Kájoni út Chamber Music 2024
Kötött. "Kötött". "Szabad". Szabad Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2021
L’homme armé after-sounds Chamber Music 2019
LIED Chamber Music 2010
LUX Electroacoustic music 2007
La cathédrale emportée Chamber Music 2013
La cinquiéme chanson de Jaufré Rudel Chamber Music 2015
Landini Chamber Music 2022
Late Quartet Chamber Music 2016
Libro de las sonatas para violas / The Book of Sonatas for Viols Chamber Music 2017
Liederbuch Chamber Music 2015
Miniature per violino e zimbalo ungherese Chamber Music 2004
Motette (1, 2, 3, 4) Mixed choir 2006
Musica desintonizzata Ensemble 2010
Mylied Instrumental solo 2015
Mylied Instrumental solo 2021
Mylied Chamber Music 2020
Sun. Running. Chamber Music 2014
Niemandsland Instrumental solo 2015
Nova Scotia Instrumental solo 2023
Nova Scotia (2): Precenting Instrumental solo 0
Nuevas diferencias sobre el canto "Con qué la lavaré" Instrumental solo 2017
Silent Groves Chamber Music 2013
Folk Songs Chamber Music 2008
O had i wings like to a dove Chamber Music 2019
Piano Piece Instrumental solo 2009
Place me on Sunium’s marbled steep Solo voice(s) a cappella 2014
Prelude to FUGA Chamber Music 2019
Provance Chamber Music 2008
Qui facis angelos tuos spiritus String orchestra 2006
Rare Byrds Choir and chamber ensemble 2016
Rilke Chamber Music 2012
Second Movement (Beethoven) Chamber Music 2016
Sei composizioni per quartetto d’archi Chamber Music 2004
Shetland Live electronic music 2018
Sinfonie Instrumental solo 2009
Slow and Loud Electroacoustic music 2007
Sonatensatz Chamber Music 2011
Songs of Displacement Chamber Music 2018
St. Kilda Variations Chamber Music 2020
THReNSeMBle Piece Ensemble 2010
From Tegularius´ Sketchbbok Instrumental solo 2023
Topographical Poetry Chamber Music 2012
Tre motetti brevi Mixed choir 2011
Trio (1) Chamber Music 2005
Trio (2) - For Clarinet, Viola and Cello Chamber Music 2006
Trio (3) Chamber Music 2007
Trio (4) Chamber Music 2009
Trio (5) Chamber Music 2011
Two Pieces on Durations Chamber Music 2013
Mirroring Chamber Music 0
Uncompetitive Flowers Chamber Music 2020
Variations Chamber Music 2009
all that was near already is far Chamber Music 2022
an anthem – for orchestra Symphony orchestra 2007
for Duo Harpverk Chamber Music 2010
blue: sea, green: grass Other 2021
my heart is not here – kékellő halmok Instrumental solo 2022
per chitarra Instrumental solo 2007
per viola e pianoforte Chamber Music 2004
per zimbalo e sei strumenti Chamber Music 2006
two part invention Instrumental solo 2005
untitled composition for 6 instruments Chamber Music 2008
Singing Youth Stage work 2021
And Christophorus Sang Instrumental solo 2024
New Hungarian Song on Cultural Heights and Depths Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2017
Road Chamber Music 2014