Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Kenessey Jenő


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

Year Title Publisher Code Remark
2001 Kenessey Jenő: Az arany meg az asszony
(Kenessey Jenő: Gold and the Woman)
Hungaroton HCD 31983 Own
Recorded in 1957
Title Type Year
The Bandanna Ballet / Choreographic work 1951
The Gold and the Woman Opera 1942
Bihari´s Song Ballet / Choreographic work 1954
God, Forgive Choral music 1946
Csizmás Jankó Ballet / Choreographic work 1937
Divertimento Symphony orchestra 1945
Divertimento for Viola and Harp Chamber Music 1963
The Groom is Mine Ballet / Choreographic work 1938
Village Pictures Symphony orchestra 1934
Gopak !to be determined 1934
Three Piano Pieces Instrumental solo 1927
Kuruc Wine Songs Male choir 1946
Quintet Chamber Music 1963
May Day Ballet / Choreographic work 1948
Bridal Dance and Verbunkos !to be determined 1937
Model Stage work 1926
Monmarte Ballet / Choreographic work 1931
Prometheus and the Blacksmiths Choral music 1960
Sárközi Dances Symphony orchestra 1953
Dance Impressions Symphony orchestra 1931
Verbunkos !to be determined 1934