Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Sáry Bánk


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

1999-2001 Conservatorio di Musica di Como, Como. Music composition (post graduation). Professor: Ivan Fedele composer
1994-1999 Ferenc Liszt Music Academy, Budapest. Music composition. Techers: Zoltán Jeney, Attila Bozay, Gyula Fekete, Andrea Szigetvári
1988-1992 Béla Bartók Music Secondary School, Budapest. Music compostition. Techers: Miklós Kocsár, István Fekete Győr

1997-1998 International Bartók Festival and Seminar (Szombathely), studying Composition and Computer music, with the leading of professors Bryan Ferneyhough, Dennis Smalley, Marco Stroppa, Johannes Kretz, Jacopo Baboni Schilingi, Andrea Szigetvári.

Major performances
1995 Silent story (flauto, piano) was performed in the Hungarian Radio
1995 Tui sunt caeli… (mixed-choir) was performed on the Automn Festival
1996 3 songs for the poems by Sándor Weöres (flauto, Corno, mezzo-soprano) was composed for the competition Hommage a Bartók in the Hungarian Radio
1996 Calmwind (stringorchestra) was performed in the Music Academy
1997 Own composers evening with László Sáry in Merlin Theater
1998 Apocalypsis (five parts for sic male-voices) was performed in the Hungarian Academy of Scienses at the Spring Festival
1999 Concert of Diploma was performed at Ferenc Liszt Music Academy
2000 Here and now (five parts for six male-voices) was performed in the Hungarian Radio
2001 Secret (concerto for cibalom) was performed at Óbudai Társaskör

1995 Hommage a Bartók (3 songs for the poems by Sándor Weöres) Hungarian Radio MR011
1998 Apokalipszis (five parts for the words of Apokalypsis) Fonó FA-051-2

2001 Istvánffy Award by the Association of the Hungarian Composers
2008 Erkel Award
2009 3rd prize - Új Magyar Zenei Fórum (New Hungarian Music Forum) Composition Competition
Year Title Publisher Code Remark
1995 Hommage Magyar Rádió MR 011 4 CDs
2010 Új Magyar Zenei Fórum 2009 zeneszerzőverseny
(New Hungarian Music Forum 2009 composers' competition)
Title Type Year
"fürkészve mindenütt fönt s lent" Chamber Music 2019
44 FEET Music for the theater 2004
6:3 Ensemble 2018
75 Chamber Music 2014
The Sun of the Earth Incidental music 2003
The Sun of the Earth (Suite) Chamber Music 2003
A due Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2001
Andersen Dreams Film music 0
Antigone Film music 2010
Apocalypse Male choir 1998
Small Stories Chamber Music 1990
Enchantment Solo voice(s) a cappella 2006
Lullaby Chamber Music 2005
Chanson Instrumental solo 1996
Chanson to the Guardian Angel Incidental music 1991
Cherryblossom, Cuchoo and Moon and Snow Incidental music 1991
Stars on Day String orchestra 2004
Miracle-Son Stag Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2014
Dózsa 1514 Film music 2014
One Serious Bearhouse Incidental music 1989
Hidden Memory Symphony orchestra 2012
Memory Chamber Music 1996
Memory Chamber Music 1997
Forest, forest, forest Chamber Music 2001
Elisabeth !to be determined 2018
Finno-Ugrian Oratorio Choir and orchestra 2016
Finno-Ugric Oratorio Solo voice(s), choir & chamber orchestra 2016
Flute Piece Instrumental solo 1991
Gloria Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2001
Gárdonyi-Songs Solo voice(s) a cappella 2013
Gárdonyi Songs - For Soprano Solo Solo voice(s) a cappella 2014
Logbook ´89-09´ Film music 2009
Dream of Sounds Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1998
Voiceless Chamber Music 2012
Exercise for percussion and computer voices Computer music 1998
Bells Chamber Music 1998
Six tales of Andersen Film music 1993
Horizon - Piano Concerto Concerto 2016
Waves (Ophelia) Electroacoustic music 2004
Three of Us Chamber Music 1991
Three Songs to Poems by Sándor Weöres Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1995
Secondary Exam Piece Chamber Music 1990
String Quartet No. 2 Chamber Music 2016
Timebells Ensemble 2002
Here and Now (Qui e ora) Male choir 1999
Oh, how much I have Shivered in the Rain and Cold Instrumental solo 2002
Oh, how much I have Shivered in the Rain and Cold Chamber Music 2002
Jonah´s Book Incidental music 1990
Waltz Chamber Music 2021
Lamentation Orchestral work 2003
Dome Chamber Music 2009
Blue Sky Female choir 2014
Choir Chamber Music 2008
In Circle Instrumental solo 0
Lieber Franz / Dear Frank Music for the theater 2002
L´inizio Chamber Music 2001
Footstep Electroacoustic music 1998
Cloud Castle Chamber Music 2007
Today Was Born our Lord Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2017
Jellyfish Ballet / Choreographic work 2016
I Leg My Horse Chamber Music 2000
Everything remains Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2023
When the Sheep Shouts Incidental music 1991
Mistral I. Film music 2003
Mistral II. Film music 2003
Mistral III. Film music 2003
Mistral IV. Film music 2003
What tátika does? Incidental music 1990
Mumus a padláson Music for the theater 2013
And yet... Ensemble 2008
Silent Story Chamber Music 1994
Silent Story Chamber Music 1993
Moments Chamber Music 1997
Pimpáré és Vakvarjúcska Music for the theater 2018
Prelude for Guitar Instrumental solo 2015
Private Mészöly 0
Prélude non mesuré Instrumental solo 2016
Psycho Parade Film music 2002
Puerta del Sol Chamber Music 2015
Regenbogen Instrumental solo 2016
Rhythm-river Chamber Music 2011
Rumcájsz the Robber Music for the theater 2005
SZ-sound Electroacoustic music 1997
Rainbow Chamber Music 2005
Szivárvány havasán (On Rainbow´s Mountain) Chamber Music 1999
In the Rainbow Chamber Music 1997
Calm Wind String orchestra 1995
My Heart is Flying Incidental music 1992
You and Me Incidental music 1991
The Moon has White Shirt Chamber Music 2015
Secret Concerto 2000
Tui sunt caeli... Mixed choir 1995
Tui sunt caeli... Mixed choir 1995
The Moon is Dancing Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2015
Dancer Instrumental solo 2004
Fairy Island Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2018
Hymn of Fire Solo voice(s) a cappella 2006
FLower Male choir 2014
String Quartet Chamber Music 1995
Endless dialogue Chamber Music 2015
Wind and Strings Chamber Music 1995
Rain Shower Solo voice(s) a cappella 2003
Rain Shower Chamber Music 2023
Árgyélus királyfi Film music 2003
Skystone Live and prerecorded music 2012
Song for Three Instruments Chamber Music 2012
Self-portrait Orchestral work 1999
Self-portrait Instrumental solo 1999
Delusion Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2002
Old Lake Ballet / Choreographic work 2014
On the Way (dreaming by moonlight) Ensemble 2017
Ancient Motive Electroacoustic music 1997
In the Autumn Symphony orchestra 2010