Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Bolcsó Bálint


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

1993-1997 Bartók Secondary School Budapest, composition faculty, István Fekete Győr

1997-2006 Liszt Academy of Music Budapest, composition faculty, György Orbán, Zoltán Jeney, Andrea Szigetvári. Master's degree in composition

1999-2006 Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, composition (Iván Erőd, Michael Jarrell) and electroacoustic composition (Dieter Kaufmann)

2004 Conservatoire Nat. Sup. de Musique et de Danse Paris, ERASMUS programme, Frédéric Durieux

1998-2005 International Bartók Seminar Szombathely, Hungary: composition courses with Dennis Smalley, Michael Jarrell, Marco Stroppa, Manuel Hidalgo, Martin Bresnick, Jonathan Harvey, Mesias Maiguashca, Johannes Schöllhorn

1999 Prague-Vienna-Budapest Summer Academy Reichenau, Austria: composition course with József Soproni

2003 Confluencias Miniaturas competition Huelva, Spain: electroacoustic piece Farblos makes it into the final round

2005 9th International Academy for New Composition and Audio-Art, Seefeld in Tirol, Austria, Richard Boulanger (with support of KulturKontakt Austria)

2006 Invited to Weimar, Germany to the final selection for the Franz Liszt Scholarship of the Hochschule für Musik

2006 Farblos wins second prize at the electroacoustic composition contest Short Cuts: Beauty of ZKM Karlsruhe, in the framework of World New Music Festival Stuttgart, Germany

1998 Static Noise, Pécs, Hungary: guest composer

1999-2001 Music Without Borders in the Heart of Europe: concerts in Slovakia, Austria and Hungary

1999-2000 In Concreto in TRAFÓ - House of Contemporary Arts Budapest and Institute for Contemporary Arts Dunaújváros, Hungary: electroacoustic piece Talpalatnyi Csend (A Foothold of Silence) included in the "sound exhibition"

2001 Szene Bunte Wähne, Horn, Austria: guest artist

2003, 2004 Budapest Autumn Festival, Wien Modern: performances of new pieces

2004 The Juilliard School, New York: bird eye performed in the Budapest - New York Twin Concerts

2005 Making New Waves, Budapest: first performance of Ének, Hold, Gondolat (Song, Moon, Mind), commissioned by the festival

2005 Visszatérés (Return), directed by Linda Dombrovszky): music for the short film within a project led by Új Dialóg Stúdió

2005 Budapest Autumn Festival, in coproduction with Workshop Foundation: music for the dance play 5 (choreographer: Nina Umniakov)

2005 Diploma concert at the Academy of Music Budapest

2003, 2006 Zoltán Kodály Composer Grant (Ministry of National Cultural Heritage, Hungary)
2003 Theodor Körner Prize (Austria)

Bálint Bolcsó�s works include music for film and dance, radio plays, sound installations as well as electroacoustic, vocal and instrumental pieces ranging from solo to symphonic settings. He is also active as a computer improvisation artist.
Title Type Year
#artofvirus#81 Ensemble 2020
100den*100dm2 >> 100mp*100dB Other 2017
30 Days Chamber Music 2012
45s(b) !to be determined 2018
5 Ballet / Choreographic work 2005
A Bloomy Girl Tape music 2008
The Happy Painter Film music 2015
The Seventh Live electronic music 2015
A szabadulóművész apológiája Music for the theater 2009
The Outcast Music for radio drama 2016
Abstraction Layers Electroacoustic music 2017
Arches Instrumental solo 2002
Aria Live and tape music 2011
Atmosphere Matrix Electroacoustic music 2015
Az elsőszülött (The First Born) Film music 2007
Silence of the Holiday (HUMAchiNe III) Live and tape music 2007
Café Brasil Music for the theater 2010
Csavargó (Vagabond) Film music 2009
De Sade pennája Music for the theater 2009
Der Bleicherin Nachtlied Vocal music 2020
Different Homes Live and prerecorded music 2023
Do not Repeat Chamber Music 2023
Eloge de l´escapologiste Music for the theater 2008
Elsöprő (Overwhelming) Film music 2011
Emelet (Storey) Film music 2006
Enigma Remix Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2014
Exterior Instrumental solo 2024
Fabric String orchestra 2022
Fabric of Presence Electroacoustic music 2020
Farblos Tape music 2001
Finish Your Idea Chamber Music 2022
Fluid Chamber Music 2003
Phase Browsers (Versions A and B) Chamber Music 2015
Light Etude - For Clarinet and Electronics Live and prerecorded music 2013
Gitter Electroacoustic music 2011
Good Morning Chamber orchestra 2009
Graceful Degradation Electroacoustic music 2015
Grids Chamber Music 2003
Ravel Chamber Music 1998
Gyász (Mourning) Film music 2005
HUMAchiNe Electroacoustic music 2006
HUMAchiNe II Tape music 2007
HUMAchiNe IV Electroacoustic music 2011 Electroacoustic music 2014
Haiku Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2018
On the Third Day - Short Movie Film music 2013
Határvidék (Border area) Film music 2006
Hetvenes / Seventies Film music 2014
Il salotto più bello del mondo Film music 2007
In Circles - Animations Short Movie Film music 2013
Interior Chamber Music 2021
Presence Multimedia 2017
Dances of Kapuvár Ballet / Choreographic work 1960
Kicsi Salome (Little Salome) Music for the theater 2008
Kisded játékok (Infant Games) Music for the theater 2009
Cube Man Film music 2017
Limited Possibilities Chamber Music 2024
Kreml, 1956 Music for radio drama 2015
Two Songs Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2000
Inside-Outside Live electronic music 2015
Inter-Play Stage work 0
Inter-play Ballet / Choreographic work 2014
L´Oiseau blessé d´une flèche Choir a cappella 2003
Machaut commentaries 2. Multimedia 0
Meteorb Film music 1999
Metszéspontpillanat Electroacoustic music 2017
Always Chamber Music 2021
Crumbs of the Broken Worldcake Electroacoustic music 2019
Mosaique Chamber Music 2025
Excerpt form a Diary Electroacoustic music 2024
No return Chamber Music 2004
Oktogon Computer music 2010
PLAY ME Other 2016
Passacaglia Live and prerecorded music 2013
Plant Box Man Repeat Electroacoustic music 2016
Proof of Concept Other 2016
Punch for 4 Chamber Music 2001
R-Songs (Three Songs) Chamber Music 2000
Reality Check Multimedia 2016
Recycling (Zöldkör) Ballet / Choreographic work 2008
Rodeo Film music 2002
Rondo poco meccanico Ensemble 2007
Rotate rotate Chamber Music 2007
Ruhezone - Sound-installation Other 2009
Sacherpunsch Instrumental solo 2000
Sagrada Familia Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2006
Savaria(da) Revisited Live and tape music 2008
Seven Times Electroacoustic music 2005
Swiss Flow Film music 2014
Switching On a Different Light Instrumental solo 2008
Foothold Silence Electroacoustic music 2000
The River Film music 2016
Secret Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 0
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow Electroacoustic music 2023
Touch Electroacoustic music 2010
Transit Tape music 2006
Triptychon Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2009
Try to Fly - Performance Other 2012
Expanding Film music 2010
Waiting for the Fairy Electroacoustic music 2019
Vegetable Loops Chamber Music 2004
Visszatérés (Return) Film music 2005
Sketches to Zoo Improvisations Other 2010
We Are (Not) a Dream Electroacoustic music 2021
Words Tape music 2002
]obscene[ Stage work 2010
]off scene[...[obscene] Music for the theater 2010
a posteriori Music Electroacoustic music 2018
bird eye Electroacoustic music 2003
cascando sketch Chamber Music 2009 intro-music Film music 2010
kirchen|bogen|fragen|feld Tape music 2005
lautlos Electroacoustic music 2009
senza f[…] Chamber Music 0
Állatkerti installáció plüssállatokkal Other 2010
Lied, Mond, Gedanke / Song, Moon, Idea Chamber Music 2005
Vein Symphony orchestra 2005