Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Weber Kristóf


Place of Birth
Date of Birth

1965-73: elementary
1973-80: Secondary Scool of Arts Pécs (contrabass, not graduated)
1979-83: off school (partially autodidactic) studies from Miklós Hergenrőder Miklós, Gyula Csapó and László Vidovszky
1984: attending Darmstadt Ferienkurse

Professional activity:
1985-90: assistance to László Vidovszky composer
1990-: freelancing as a composer (solo and chamber pieces, choir works, film music)
music for theter performances perfomances, exhibition pieces

Language: Hungarian, German

Selected performances:
1985-: chamber pieces performed by Group 180
1994: Szép Levegő (opera with one act) in Pécsi Kisszínház
1994: Kaiserschnitt (Pont Színház) – Leipzig Opera House
1995: piano works performed by Lídia Nádori – Pécs
1996-97: electroacoustic pieces (JPTE, Művészeti Kar)
2000: Vasárnapi énekek (Budapest, Műcsarnok)
2007: Vasárnapi énekek (Eisenach)

1995: Rövid Napok zenéi (Dió Stúdió)
1997: Decrescendo (Dió Stúdió)
1998: Dobogó / Drumming (Dió Stúdió)

Selected publications:
1984-: music criticism, interviews in Universitas, Magyar Ifjúság, Dunántúli Napló, Világ, Magyar Narancs,Új Ember, Jelenkor newspapers, periodicals
1992: John Cage-re emlékezve (score, Jelenkor, 1992/10)
1994: VL/50 (score, Jelenkor, 1994/3)
1997: „A város nem sajt” (Jelenkor 1997/6)
1999: Rövid napok zenéi (Szépliteratúrai Ajándék 1999/1)
Decens darabok (score-details, Szépliteratúrai Ajándék 1999/1)
2004: Számköszöntő/Köszöntőszám (score, Jelenkor March 2004.)

1997: László Vidovszky – Kristóf Weber: Conversations on Music (Jelenkor Publishers, 1997)
2005: Kristóf Weber: Alkalmazott zene (Applied Music: Pécs University, Faculty of Arts, 2005)

1994: Ferenc Martyn Grant
1998: Grant by Hungarian Fund for Artists
2000: Soros Foundation Grant
2006: Arany Páholy Theater Award

1999: Hungarian Fund for Artists (Music Association)
2001: Association of Hungarian Composers
2001: International Society for Contemporary Music
Title Type Year
2 Fughetti, Op. 90 Instrumental solo 2012
4 Canzoni per violino, Op. 49 Instrumental solo 2003
4/5 in 5/4, Op. 39 Mixed choir 2000
4X4 String quartet, Op. 19 Chamber Music 1994
5 Choralbegleitungen, Op. 27 Instrumental solo 1997
5 Duettini, Op. 41 Chamber Music 2001
5 Iambic Songs, Op. 58 Solo voice(s) a cappella 2006
5 Wiederholungen, Op. 28 Instrumental solo 1997
The Hymn of Dawn Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2014
The Brothers Karamazov Music for the theater 2004
The Lukács Bath Film music 1986
A MEDVE(GY) Music for the theater 2008
The Chioggia Scuffles Music for the theater 1996
Building without walls, Op. 8 Electroacoustic music 1984
The blackbird, Op. 32 Mixed choir 1998
Le Malentendu / The Misunderstanding Music for the theater 1991
The liar Music for the theater 2009
Endgame, Op. 5 Tape music 1982
The Naked King Music for the theater 2001
Secret of the Slow Life Other 2007
Departing of the Soul, Op. 33 Opera 2018
Mother´s Kiss, Op. 88 Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2012
The Government Inspector Music for the theater 2002
A sHÓwKIRÁLYNŐ Music for the theater 2006
A tagok szerinti szépség Music for the theater 1994
The pupils Music for the theater 2001
The tower-room Music for the theater 2009
The fiery Angel Music for the theater 1994
Abendlied der Margarethe, Op. 46 Solo voice(s) with orchestra 2003
Abstract theater Music for the theater 2008
Albumblatt Instrumental solo 2014
Amphitryon Music for the theater 1999
Angelic Hill Slope Instrumental solo 2019
Goldbird Music for the theater 1992
The tales of Atropos, Op. 45 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2002
The impostor Music for the theater 2002
The impostor Film music 2002
Background Music for Cathedrals, Op. 91 Instrumental solo 2013
Bamboo Shoots, Op. 59 Instrumental solo 2007
Inner Geometry Chamber Music 2015
Viola History Instrumental solo 2016
Viola Story, Op. 108 Instrumental solo 2017
Bóbita, the Fairy Music for the theater 1990
Canon Infinitus Chamber Music 2013
Cantate Domino Solo voice(s) with chamber orchestra 2014
Cat Walking, Op. 116 Live and tape music 2019
Cheap Association, Op. 3 Chamber Music 1980
Choragium, Op. 13 Symphony orchestra 1990
Concerto Elettronico per sintetizzatore e file sonori Electroacoustic music 0
Csalóka Péter Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2010
Sleeping Beauty Music for the theater 1994
Wonderful beasts Music for the theater 2001
Csöppek Film music 2009
Cyrano Music for the theater 1997
Songs on the Poems by Szilárd Borbély, Op. 34 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1999
Danton halála Music for the theater 2006
Danton halála Music for the theater 2001
Danton Songs, Op. 57 Vocal music 2006
Das zitternde Laub, Op. 93 / Trembling Leaves, Op. 93 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2013
Good for me Solo voice(s) a cappella 2015
Decent Pieces, Op. 23 Instrumental solo 1995
Decrescendo, Op. 25 Symphony orchestra 2016
Decrescendo, Op. 25 Chamber orchestra 1996
Diaulia Chamber Music 2012
Die Bachstelze, Op. 66 Instrumental solo 2009
Divertimento Live and tape music 1985
Dobogó Stage work 1996
Drumming, Op. 24 Chamber Music 1996
Dr. Zalka Takes a Trip Film music 1989
Egymást érintő Other 1997
Simple Mass, Op. 51 Choir and solo instrument(s) 2005
Ein liebes altes Streichquartett, Op. 37 Chamber Music 2000
I read the news, Op. 10 Choir with accompaniment 1988
Equus Music for the theater 2004
Exhalation, Op. 121 Ensemble 2020
Faust Music for the theater 1993
Flip a Spot Chamber Music 2015
For Ada, Op.75a String orchestra 2021
Frederick Music for the theater 2001
Fuharosok Music for the theater 1988
For Flute, for Piano too, Op. 35 Chamber Music 1999
Füstkánonok, Op. 55 Vocal music 2006
Gazdátlan fiatalok Film music 1980
Geigen, Op. 85 Instrumental solo 2012
Glass-Nost, Op. 9 Electroacoustic music 1988
Funeral music in memory of János Güth, Op. 11 Unspecified instrument(s) 1989
Leave Me in My Lotus Position, Op. 92 Instrumental solo 2013
Funeral farewell, Op. 72 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2010
Death-Songs, Op. 63 Solo voice(s) a cappella 2008
Hamlet Music for the theater 1999
Hamlet Music for the theater 2004
Hamlet Music for the theater 2002
Returning waves Electroacoustic music 1993
Hermina, Op. 4 Chamber Music 1981
Cold Cure Solo voice(s) a cappella 2014
Anthem, Op. 83 Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2011
Tomorrow morning Music for the theater 2003
Horror vacui Electroacoustic music 1993
Three Sisters Music for the theater 2004
The Slice - or the return of the prodigal son Music for the theater 1993
La Double Inconstance / The Double Inconsistency Music for the theater 2006
Let´s have a Drink Here, Op. 70 Instrumental solo 2010
Improvisation for Wind Instruments, Op. 80 Instrumental solo 2011
Jubilus Quintet Chamber Music 2012
Let´s play Winnie the Pooh Music for the theater 2003
Julia and her lieutenant Music for the theater 1998
Kaiserschnitt Other 1994
Kaiserschnitt, Op. 20 Instrumental solo 1994
Cuckoo´s Nest Music for the theater 2002
Kalaf Film music 1995
Camera.Man Music for the theater 1999
Crows on the Picket, Op. 86 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2012
Swineherd of Kecskemét, Op. 60 Music for the theater 2007
Little Choral, Op. 79 Chamber Music 2011
Kiss thoughts, Op. 53 Instrumental solo 2005
Wonder of Kolos Music for the theater 2003
Converse Canon, Op. 15 Chamber Music 1992
Tango Consumable, Op. 83 Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2011
Kurs-Etüden, Op. 14 Instrumental solo 1992
Picture Music, Op. 98 Instrumental solo 2014
Körnégyes, Op. 42 Chamber Music 2001
Intermezzo Film music 1992
Fountain Under the Sun Film music 2010
Stonebreathing Other 1988
Lied der Grillen, Op. 84 Instrumental solo 2011
Lily Music for the theater 2005
Macbeth Music for the theater 1995
Charivari - For detuned piano Instrumental solo 2011
Monologue Chamber Music 1985
Meditation Exercises for Voice Solo voice(s) a cappella 1995
Meine kleine Nachtmusik Tape music 1987
Melancholy, Op. 29 Mixed choir 1997
Wedding - or the allegory of 1956, Op. 54 Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 2006
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald / Tales from the Vienna Wood Music for the theater 2001
Miserere, Op. 12 Mixed choir 1990
Missa in memoriam Francisco Liszt, Op. 68 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2010
Le Misanthrope / Misanthrope Music for the theater 2008
Molière Music for the theater 2000
Motet Mixed choir 2015
There´s not much that comes to mind Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2021
Not a Body Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2013
Nincs ott aki, Op. 78 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2011
Summer Music for the theater 1993
Weddings March Instrumental solo 1991
4/3 in 3/4 Multimedia 1996
Octet, Op. 75 Solo voice(s) with ensemble 2011
Orgonamerengés, Op. 7/A Instrumental solo 1983
Paper Songs, Op. 40 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2001
Paravane, Op. 107 Chamber Music 2016
A View from the Bridge Music for the theater 2000
A View from the Bridge Music for the theater 2008
Psalmus imaginarius, Op. 36 Chamber Music 2000
Psycho Music for the theater 2002
Blood-Waltz of Pécs, Op. 26 Instrumental solo 1997
Quattro, Op. 16 Chamber Music 1992
Razzia az Aranyszarvasban Film music 1995
Reihenweise, Op. 61 Computer music 2008
Report with Neumann, Op. 2 Chamber Music 1980
Rosarium, Op. 76 Solo voice(s), choir & solo instrument(s) 2011
Rousseau park rezervátum, Op. 7/B Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 1983
Trios for Brass Instruments, Op. 64 Chamber Music 2009
Rózsáim pompásan virágoznak Music for the theater 2009
Short-term Events, Op. 52 Instrumental solo 2005
Satie in Sparta, Op. 30/A Instrumental solo 1997
Satie in Sparta, Op. 30/B Symphony orchestra 1997
Solfeggio, Op. 38 Mixed choir 2000
Son nagrjudwassodgorne, Op. 6 Choir a cappella 1983
Sonata per pianino, Op. 95 Instrumental solo 2013
Line Breaks, Op.109/a Symphony orchestra 2016
Spiritual Solo voice(s) a cappella 2015
Stabat Mater, Op. 1 Mixed choir 1977
St. Elisabeth, Op. 60/a Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2007
Szenvedéstörténet Music for the theater 2001
Sisyphus and Oedipus Opera 1984
Anxieties and Breaks, Op. 69 Vocal music 2010
Számköszöntő - Köszöntőszám, Op. 50 Solo voice(s) a cappella 2004
Szép levegő, Op. 22 - Kamaraopera 1 felvonásban Opera 1994
Sárkányló, a hegyek ura Music for the theater 1992
Cutting it short Music for the theater 2009
Tartuffe Music for the theater 2006
Tasek, Op. 18 Music for the theater 1993
The Broken Law, Op. 105 Instrumental solo 2015
Winter tale Music for the theater 2008
Winter Holiday, Op. 117 - No. 1, With the Free Moment Chamber Music 2019
Winter Holiday, Op. 117 - No. 1, Slope of Angels´ Hill Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 0
Winter Holiday, Op. 117 - No. 3, Once Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2019
Space and connection Music for the theater 1993
Ungaresca, Op. 44 Chamber Music 2002
Journey Film music 1994
Street Songs Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2023
Street Music Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2017
VL/50, Op. 21 Instrumental solo 1994
Somewhere, Op. 82 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2011
Sunday songs, Op. 31 Choral music 1998
Dangerous Liaisons Music for the theater 2002
Vizsgálat rózsák ügyében Music for the theater 1996
There was a Place, Op.81 Choir and solo instrument(s) 2011
On train Music for the theater 1990
Blood Wedding Music for the theater 2001
Twelfth Night Music for the theater 1999
Wurlitzermusik Instrumental solo 2014
Yes Mr. Ives, Op. 17 Concerto 1992
Sunshine of York Music for the theater 1999
Music to music Other 2009
Listening to music Multimedia 1991
Zwei in einem, Op. 47 Chamber Music 2002
Zweigelt, Op. 77 Chamber Music 2011
sHÓwKIRÁLYNŐ, Op. 56 Vocal music 2006
Álherceg álbombákkal Chamber Music 1996
Insomnia, Op. 48 Instrumental solo 2003
Shadowcatcher Film music 1997
Átrajzolások, Op. 62 Instrumental solo 2008
The Lower Depths Music for the theater 2001
Singing Zoo, Op. 67 Children's choir 2009
Tin Soldier and Paper Girl, Op. 43 Opera 2002
Self-control Film music 1987
České Písně, Op. 65 Solo voice(s) with solo instrument(s) 2009