Artist database

This is the Artist Database of BMC, which includes information about composers, musicians, orchestras, choirs and groups that are either Hungarian or Hungarian by origin or live in Hungary, as well as information about releases recorded with them.

Dés András Trió: A világ legrosszabb énekese
(András Dés Trio: The Worst Singer in the World)


BMC Records
Catalogue No.
BMC CD 241
Date of Release




Composer Title
Dés András Gardening
Dés András Holding Your Hand, 150 Seconds Before Midnight
Dés András Hommage
Dés András / Fenyvesi Márton / Ifj. Tóth István Interplay I. - Outside
Dés András / Fenyvesi Márton / Ifj. Tóth István Interplay II. - Inside
Dés András Intro
Dés András Lullaby Under the Sky
Dés András Sea at Second Sight
Dés András Transparent Afternoon