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A mű címe

Mysteries of the Macabre - für Solo-Trompete in C und Kammerorchester


Eredeti / magyar cím
Mysteries of the Macabre - für Solo-Trompete in C und Kammerorchester
Idegen nyelvű / angol cím
Mysteries of the Macabre - für Solo-Trompete in C und Kammerorchester
Drei Arien aus der Oper "Le Grand Macabre"
Elgar Howarth und Hakan Hardenberger gewidmet
A mű keletkezési éve

Előadók száma
Előadói apparátus
tr. in do solo - fl. (anche picc.), ob., cl. (anche cl.b.), fg. (anche cfg.) - cor., tr., trb. (ad lib. anche trb.cb.) - perc. (2 esec. - campli., crot., xil., ptto.sosp., ptti. a 2, tam-tam, tom-tom, tambourine, 4 bongo, tmb.picc., gr.c., 4 temple bl., cas., marimba, guiro, slide whistle, 1 sheet of wrapping paper, signal whistle, police whistle, wood bl.) - pf. (anche cel.), mand. - strings: vl. 1, vl. 2, vla., vlc., cb.
9 perc

16 March 1992, Århus, Denmark; Håkan Hardenberger (tr.), Århus Sinfonietta, Elgar Howarth (cond.)
Kottakiadó / Forrás
Schott Music, 8210 (study score), performance material on hire
Available here!
Peter Masseurs (tr.), Asko Ensemble, Reinbert De Leeuw (cond.), WSM 8573 83 933-2
Megjegyzések, további info
Three arias from the opera "Le Grand Macabre", arranged by Elgar Howarth

Year of composition: 1974-1977, rev. 1991

"I composed my opera Le Grand Macabre from 1974 to 1977. The Mysteries of the Macabre are arrangements of three coloratura arias of the chief of the "Secret Political Police" which have been arranged (beautifully!) for chamber ensemble by Elgar Howarth. My friend Howarth had conducted the world premiere of the opera in Stockholm in 1978 and some of the further productions. The half-nonsense text is an immediate – however more accurate – continuation of the idea of my works Aventures and Nouvelles Aventures, but there is no chromatics in the music any more."